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HNC Communications, Inc.
1325 Franklin Avenue, Ste 255
Garden City, NY 11530
(516) 778-2600
Getting Your License Back
Getting your privileges to drive reinstated after a DWI or DWAI Drugs can be very simple or very difficult depending on a number of factors. In fact some with multiple alcohol related convictions will face a permanent revocation of their license. If you have been sentenced to probation, probation may have the ultimate say as to when you can reapply for your license. Other times you may not be able to have your license reinstated until you provide proof that you completed mandated alcohol / substance abuse treatment. An attorney can help guide you through this. Also, a phone call to the NYS DMV driver improvement bureau at (518) 474-0774 is often helpful in letting you know exactly what you need to do to get your driving privileges reinstated.
Driving While Intoxicated (VTL 1192.2)
Aggravated Driving while Intoxicated (VTL 1192.2 A)
Driving While Impaired Due to Alcohol (VTL 1192.1)
Driving While Impaired Due to Drugs (VTL 1192.4)
Driving While Impaired Due to a combination of Drugs and Alcohol (VTL 1194.A)
Felony DWI
Leandras Law
License Suspensions
Ignition Interlock
Underage Offenders
Driver Assessment Fee
Drinking Driving Program (DDP)
Getting Your License Back
Zero Tolerance Law
New York DWI Blog
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