Or call us
HNC Communications, Inc.
1325 Franklin Avenue, Ste 255
Garden City, NY 11530
(516) 778-2600
Cortland County DWI Lawyers
Cortland County Court
46 Greenbush Street, Suite 301
Cortland, NY 13045
Cortland City Court
25 Court Street
Cortland, NY 13045
Cincinnatus Town Court
3228 Route 26, PO Box 202
Cincinnatus, NY 13040
Cortlandville Town Court
3577 Terrace Road
Cortland, NY 13045
Cuyler Town Court
4895 Tripoli Road
Cuyler, NY 13158
Freetown Town Court
3900 Freetown Crossroad
Marathon, NY 13803
Harford Town Court
394 Route 38, PO Box 10
Harford, NY 13784
Homer Town Court
4 Water Street
Homer, NY 13077
Lapeer Town Court
1145 Quail Hill Road
Marathon, NY 13803
Marathon Town Court
40 West Main Street, PO Box 366
Marathon, NY 13803
Preble Town Court
1968 Preble Road, PO Box 206
Preble, NY 13141
Scott Town Court
6689 State Route 41
Homer, NY 13077
Solon Town Court
4012 North Tower Road
Cininnatus, NY 13040
Taylor Town Court
3254 Cheningo-Solon Pond Road, Cincinnatus NY
Mailing: 3845 Cheningo-Solon Pond Road
Cincinnatus, NY 13040
Truxton Town Court
3741 Route 13, PO Box 84
Truxton, NY 13158
Virgil Town Court
1176 Church Street
Cortland, NY 13045
Willet Town Court
Town Hall, Route 41, PO Box 33
Willet, NY 13863
Disclaimer- While every effort has been made to insure that the information contained in this site is accurate and current, please be advised that this site is not an official site and does not contain official court information. You should contact the court directly to obtain court addresses and court information. The site does not list every court in each county, but rather courts that handle DWI cases and traffic cases. Please be advised by using this site you agree to the terms and conditions of the site and agree to hold harmless, HCN Communications, Inc., and NewYorkDWILawyers.com for any errors or omissions. The information contained in this site is general in nature and should not be construed as legal advice. This site and any links to or from the site are intended to present information and advertise our services solely to New York residents on matters pending in New York State. Nothing contained in this website should be construed as legal advice, for which you should consult with an attorney. Nothing in this website is intended as an offer to represent you, and nor does the review of this website, sending of email, contacting us, or submission of a request form constitute the formation of an attorney-client relationship between you and any attorney associated with this site. No Attorney client relationship is created by receipt of the information contained in this website. The information contained in this site only applies to New York, and should not be considered for any matters pending outside of New York State.
Driving While Intoxicated (VTL 1192.2)
Aggravated Driving while Intoxicated (VTL 1192.2 A)
Driving While Impaired Due to Alcohol (VTL 1192.1)
Driving While Impaired Due to Drugs (VTL 1192.4)
Driving While Impaired Due to a combination of Drugs and Alcohol (VTL 1194.A)
Felony DWI
Leandras Law
License Suspensions
Ignition Interlock
Underage Offenders
Driver Assessment Fee
Drinking Driving Program (DDP)
Getting Your License Back
Zero Tolerance Law
New York DWI Blog
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